In the interest of making Saturday Morning Pajamas a better, more enjoyable show to both listen to and record, show, some changes will be coming as of this week. I apologize for the lack of episodes and communication as of late. It is our hopes that with these changes delays such as this will be very rare in the future.
New Schedule! Starting Saturday 8/27/16 new weekly episodes will only air on Saturdays. The upload times may vary from early Saturday morning to mid day, so be sure to subscribe and be one of the first to enjoy each new episode.
Special Bi-Weekly Episodes of Video Game Vacation! Starting 8/31/16 AJ will be hosting an episode of Video Game Vacation every other Wednesday. Jax will of course be a guest on many episodes, however AJ will be your main guide through the world of video games.
New Show Format and Topics! Over the coming weeks we will be experimenting with new segments during each episode. No longer will we be a ‘one movie and done’ auditory adventure. We plan to discuss various media, throwbacks, and other flim flam.
As always, Saturday Morning Pajamas is a passion project for Jax. Each and every listener is appreciated, and as always if you have a comment, suggestion, constructive criticism, etc… leave a comment on the blog post. We want you to enjoy this show and if you think of a way to make things better, we’d love to hear it.