We did it! We have moved our audio hosting from Soundcloud to Podbean. This movie allows us to have more content available at a time without limitations. I’d like to thank everyone for their support, allowing this move to be successful. As always please visit www.nonoms.net for the latest episode updates.
Regarding the recent erratic posting schedule, I’m glad to say that should be a thing of the past. Starting today the posting schedule will be as follows.
- Standard SMP Review/Discussion Episode – Friday Evening, Pacific Standard Time
- At The Matinee – Frequency and day depends on movie release dates. Will be posted the evening I return from the Cinema.
- Random Discussions – Tuesdays
As always, questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions are welcome! Of course if you really love us, and are able, you can always be our Patron on Podbean by clicking the link in the left hand side bar. Every little bit helps to update and improve Saturday Morning Pajamas for YOU!