Tom Cruise Spree continues with the 1993 “courtroom drama-ish” thriller, “The Firm”. Join Jax and AJ as we watch this thrilling *sigh* two and a half hour movie full of mystery, intrigue, and multiple intermissions because we just can’t take slow burn movies it seems. Do not fret, the movie was still enjoyable; join us and find out more!
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Theatrical Release: June 30th, 1993
Starring: Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Gene Hackman
Rated: R
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: Critics 75% / Audience Score 64%
More Details: IMDB – The Firm (A Novel) – The Firm (DVD/Blu-Ray)
*** This podcast is dedicated to my late mother, Karen 1951-2017. She instilled in me a love for horror and bad movies. Love you mommy.