Jax and AJ visit the first screen adaptation of Stephen King’s “It” and invite you to come along for the ride. Aired in 1990 as a two part mini series, this adaptation holds more true to the book in some aspects while leaving some bits for the 2017 big screen adaptation to really capture. Come along, sit down, and enjoy the show with Pennywise, the Dancing Clow.
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Theatrical Release: November 18th, 1990
Starring: Tim Reid, Jonathan Brandis, John Ritter, Tim Curry, Seth Green,
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 64% Critic / 64% Audience (as of 10/06/2017)
More Details: IMDB
Amazon.com – It (Book)
Amazon.com – It (1990) (Blu-Ray)
Amazon.com – Funko Pop – Pennywise (Tim Curry Version)
*** This podcast is dedicated to my late mother, Karen 1951-2017. She instilled in me a love for horror and bad movies. Love you mommy.